Annotating a closure as running on the main thread

Derrick Ho
Mar 3, 2022

Often times when you call a function with a closure as a parameter, you would like that closure to be run on the main thread for example:

func foo(_ completion: @escaping () -> Void) {

if you need your completion block to be run on the main thread you could use a dispatch queue

foo {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("Ran on main thread")

This is ok but then you’d have to remember to wrap it every time you use the foo function.

One way around this is to annotate that completion block with @MainActor

func bar(_ completion: @escaping @MainActor () -> Void) {
Task { await completion() }

This annotation will guarantee all users that the completion closure will be run on the main thread.

bar {
print("Will run on main thread. I guarantee it")

